The greatest inheritance is the kingdom of God, are you a drunkard, womanizer, adulterer, fornicator, liar, idol worshipper or what have you. You need to forsake this act and take the cross of our lord Jesus and be saved for ever and make the kingdom of heaven your permanent home, because this life we are ” is just like a market place where everybody will surely go back home after the dawn of the day, but where will you go after the market? A house full of pandemonium, troubles, pains, and discomfort? Or the house that is full of hope, comfort, peace of mind, where to lay your head and body after the hustling and bustling of the market.
Where will you prefer? The choice is yours to take now. Luke 18:29-30 “ I assured you that everyone who has given up house of wife or brother or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, will be repaid many times over in this life, and will have eternal life in the world to come”
Just like I’ve said earlier the kingdom of GOD is an everlasting inheritance. And the sweetest home to be. Today is the day of decision tomorrow may be too late
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